It amounts to no more than 100 pages,
but Colm Toibin's The Testament of Mary is rich with spiritual,
emotional and imaginative insights. Mariology has been an important
player in the construction of femininity in our society. The figure
of the Virgin Mary, the human mother of the divine child, is the
model of loving obedience to a higher power. In his novel Toibin
imagines a more fully human Mary, a woman whose role in the life of
Jesus is as much informed by doubt as it is by belief, a woman made
'wild' by the violence she has to witness.
The novel is told
in Mary's voice, and it is a voice as troubling as it is beguiling.
She recounts her story of the miracles and death of Jesus to her
"guardians": ominous, irritable men who seem more like
jailers, but who we are led to believe are the gospel writers, the
founders of a new religion. From the beginning we are aware of a
story that is emerging in spite of the control exerted over it by a
constituency who wish a particular version of events to be confirmed.
They are the Gospel writers. Here is Mary's oral account of the
Like the
Magnificat, Mary's testimony moves to the soothing rhythms of the
scriptures. The
language is kept simple, tender and dark. In her account we recognise
the familiar stories: the wedding at Cana, the raising of Lazarus
from the dead, but they are given new and more disturbing form. She
tells the story of Lazarus with stark clarity, tells how his body
moves uncertainly from the grave back to life. Its occurrence is
indisputable, but its proof of divinity is debatable. Lazarus is
brought back from the dead, but he is not restored. He can barely eat
soaked bread. His golden beauty is tainted by what he knows of the
grave. Yes he prefigures the resurrection of Christ but in Mary's
story we are prompted to consider the folly of desiring immortality,
the profound impact it might have on what it means to be human.
Toibin does something brave and
profound with the scattering of information we have about Mary and
the amplification of this into the figure of The Virgin Mary who has
been such an exalted part of Catholic Christian doctrine. In some
ways Toibin's Mary still operates as a divine mediator. She extends
mercy. But she does so by reminding us of what it is to be human,
what it is to fail those we love. Above all The Testament of Mary
sees Mary as embodying the troubled relationship between mother and
son, experiencing the grief of a mother whose son will not
acknowledge her 'What are you to me?', and the agony of a mother who
helplessly watches her son being crucified and then abandons him to
save herself.
In Toibin's crucifixion the frailty of
the body is still central to the story, but it is as much Mary's body
as it is Christ's: he is flesh of her flesh, his 'heart having grown
from [her] heart', yet she abandons him to save her own skin, because
going to him, to hold his broken body, to bury him, 'would have made
no difference.' Toibin's Mary is unflinching in the grief -stricken
knowledge that she could do nothing except save herself. The drama of
her experience of the crucifixion re-imagines it again for us with
the authentic clarity of a lived experience. 'I was there...I fled
before it was over but if you want witnesses then I am one and I can
tell you now, when you say he redeemed the world, I will say that it
was not worth it. It was not worth it.'
And finally Toibin offers us her
ascension, and he does so in the simplest and loveliest of terms: a
dwindling light, a soft path, a silence. 'The world has
loosened...And I am whispering the words, knowing that words matter,
and smiling as I say them to the shadows of the gods of this place,
who linger in the air to watch me and hear me.'
The Testament of Mary is an act of
immense imaginative grace and chutzpah. It takes some nerve to tackle
the underpinning stories of our culture and find in them something
miraculous. But Colm Toibin brings to the task such a willingness to
see what is original and true that we are all by far the better for
The copyright of this post belongs to Claire Steele
Is this the winner, I wonder?
HOPE YOU SUBSCRIBE,SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Literary Artist,
The Poet Band Company is asking for poetry,max.40 lines and prose,max.300 words (English language only,
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Size One issue Four issues
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½ page $40.00 $120.00
Full Page $80.00 $270.00
Ads must be “camera ready” and printed in black and white. Logos are accepted.
Yours in Words,
Arthur C. Ford,Sr./Editor
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